..It’s refill time

I am such a happy little crafter now, Thank you USPS for finally delivering my refills.

I need to stock up on refills for my Zig and Chameleon markers now I am back crafting and blogging again.   My favorite yellow Chameleon was dry as a bone and I didn’t have a refill for  that color..* sigh  I checked all my usual places chameleonartproducts , Amazon, Ebay and Craftingability …either they were out of stock, would take too long, or were wayyy overpriced.  I haven’t shopped at Carpe Diem before and I am pretty sure mid Covid pandemic is probably NOT the best time to try and judge a new  supplier for speed etc.

Would I have been thrilled if it hadn’t taken so long to get here, absolutely… but it’s here and it didn’t make a convoluted journey around Texas on the way like my last package haha.  My previous package arrived in my city, left my city, came back to my city, went to another city, came back to my city and went MIA for about 4 days before finally making it to my local post office for delivery… so I am not complaining !!! lol  It’s craft supplies.. not medical equipment and supplies right!

So, budget being as tight as  it is, it was just a little itty bitty stock up on a few main colors I know I don’t have and cant run out of …. and then I saw the Gelly Roll Glaze pens at an awesome price and I had to grab those… and the Wink of Stella Clear, mine is long run out.  If you have never tried the Gelly Roll Glaze Pens, you totally should.  I have a Chomas adapter for my Cricut and I love using these pens in my Cricut for drawing 3D background texts.

All in all, Happy with the pricing and availability.. shipping time was definitely reasonable under the circumstances ..and I will definitely be going to take a look around and see what else I need to pick up when budget allows.


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