Teal, color on color card – By Li’l Man D

I made the card because me & my mom thought it was fun.

you can do the same if you want!!!


list of stuff

Teal papers

liquid pearls

metal dies

& glue

& flowers

& tape runner

Mom Note…  Li’l Man D got to try his hand at his first one color  (Color on Color) card… The photos don’t show the color as well as I wanted, so I may update it when I get the pics off the camera.  This was taken with my phone..which apparently hates true color haha.

I will be doing black on black and white on white projects later this week… It has been a long since I did any of these and it’s always a fun challenge.  Obviously he had some help, but I think he did an awesome job for his first attempt.

This card has some foam padding between some of the layers.

It was a lot of fun to do this one with him…and now he wants to do more… 🙂 Proud mommy

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