Abandoned Art

Lil’ManD and I used to love doing our abandoned art missions, now that we are back in craft mode… we plan to start abandoned art again. If you have never heard of it… oh boy.. where do you start?

Ok, abandoned art is basically taking pieces of art and leaving them in public places for others to find and enjoy…and take home if they wish. Everything from paintings, jewelry, a poem on a napkin, knitted items, painted rocks.. if its art of any kind…you can abandon it.

There are huge groups, some local… some International and everything in between and it’s easy to find fellow abandoners on social media.

Now the concept behind it is to leave the pieces unobserved, a bit like a ninja … and no.. you don’t have to dress up like a ninja…..unless you really want to. Some people choose to leave a tag with their piece informing the unsuspecting passerby that this is indeed abandoned art and that they are welcome to keep and enjoy it, or leave it for the next passerby to discover. Some leave a link to the abandoned art sites they frequent so a claimee can contact the site to say it was found and hopefully appreciated.

For people like me who run craft blogs, it was a great way to find a new home for the numerous projects made each month instead of gathering dust in boxes. It was also a great way to share some of the experimental pieces we made.

So .. stay tuned, Covid permitted… we shall be abandoning again as soon as we have a stockpile of art projects to abandon. We play Pokemon Go, so combing those two hobbies will be a fun, healthy and cheap day out for us. We grab public transport and ride the bus’s and trains around the area chasing Pokemon. Dropping abandoned art pieces along the way will be fun, specially if we can drop some Pokemon themed projects at local Pokemon stops and gyms for other players to discover.