Adventures in youtube embedding and video woes

So… there comes a time when everyone has to do the youtube video thing… it’s gonna happen haha

It’s been a few years since I had to do this and I am about ready to tear my hair out haha. For whatever reason.. My blog won’t play the embedded youtube videos. This video works fine on Youtube but it will not embed * sigh. So as a temporary work around I am linking to it from the image below and it will pop up in a new window. It may just be me having a blonde moment, it may just be my computer trying to save myself.. and you from scaring anyone haha. Making videos on 3 hours of sleep is probably not the best idea.. for anyone !!

But anyway…. Most all of you have never seen me on cam, and the ones who have are used to me doing the headless horseman routine ..and are only used to hearing me and seeing my hands. But today you get me.. messy hair, bad camera angle double chins and all. I have been trying out some new software and playing with split cam etc. and for some reason the audio and video are slightly out of sync too ..another thing to add to my list of “must fix this”

So anywho… I am sharing this anyway.. just for shit’s n giggles. I do not and probably never will do serious, professional style edited for hours videos. I am a geek.. you get WYSIWYG ( What you see is what you get) Wipz style. Li’l Man D and I will be making videos for the blogs, so I need to get this stuff figured out again.

This is an Intro to an upcoming project and ME !


….sometimes you just need to sleep on it, no matter how much of a geek you are

.. 3 hours sleep and a distracted mind can make you a bit stoopid haha.

Ok so , the emebdding issue turned out to be a simple issue.  After checking it in other browsers and on Li’l ManD’s computer and not having the same issue.. I came to the conclusion it must be my Chrome browser. I had the same issue on other sites with embedded  video, so I knew it wasn’t just an issue with my video.

So it turns out all I needed was to reset my Chrome Browser settings… BOOOYAH !!!!


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