Covid Friendly School Valentine Event ideas

Those of you who live in the US and have small kids will be well used to the Valentine’s Day thing.  Being British, it all seems a bit strange to me’s just not what I am used to or how I associate Valentine’s Day… but  that aside…. it’s an event!

Much like the really strange Texas “Mums” thing.. another tradition I can’t really wrap my head around haha.


For me Valentine’s was always a boy/girl thing… you sent a valentine to someone you had a “connection” with… if you didn’t have any

one to give you a Valentine… your mom would usually send you a card anonymously…so you didn’t feel bad haha.  But here, it would appear you send and receive Valentine’s from EVERYONE !!!   grandma, teachers,  all of your classmates… it’s totally not an attraction, sexual, emotional thing… << still weird …sorry haha




So for the last 2 years I have found myself  prepping and creating Valentines gifts with my son for 35 kids and 2 teachers .. and usually some  chocolates for other staffers and the front office.  And then of course we have the Valentine’s Day school dance…. always fun attending that with my ex and his wife and new son.  Now I am still, in my own hard hearted  way…a big romantic…so spending Valentine’s with my ex.. is not exactly what I have in mind… but we share a kid…and I will happily spend two hours in their company, regardless of the atmosphere so my son gets to enjoy his school events with his friends.


This year I get a reprieve ..THANK YOU COVID !!!

But I hate that the kids have to miss out on yet another school event.  The school have been awesome trying to recreate events online.. but it’s not quite the same and the teachers are already swamped and their are no current plans for a Valentine event that  we are aware of…… SO


Li’l Man D and I are planning to create an online event for his classmates and teachers this year.




I have to say a HUGE big thank you to Lisa from Twistoon and Jodie from Bugaboo Stamps who have so graciously given permission for me to create and distribute some activity packs for the students using their uncolored images.  Love you ladies !!!!  xxx


We are still finalizing exact  plans on how this will work, what will be included… having to take in to consideration that most of the kids do not have access to the same supplies and technology as we do .. we need to make it possible for ALL of the kids to participate regardless of whether they are in school, or online learning, have access to a printer, or not….


So far I have come up with Valentine’s cards that can be printed and colored, or opened and colored on the school laptops using existing programs they already have access to for schoolwork etc.





The kids are all used to opening documents and editing and submitting them, or submitting that is all good.


I have some  certificate style  pages which they can fill out for each other with feel good fuzzy comments.  These can be colored as is, or like my lil guy… color then add a whole bunch of extra stuff to it haha.








We have plans for a photo contest, some games and then a Zoom dance party…
If you have kids in school and Covid is putting a damper on all of the usual plans, why not jump in and see if you can collaborate with your teachers and help them plan something safe and fun this year.



I will post an updated project post in the next week with more details on our activity projects.  This is such a fun way to give the kids some educational activities that are fun and creative too.
<<One sneaky mommy who knows how to insert education into crafting… reading, writing, art and math… and maybe even a little history and geography for some fun.. oh yeah and don’t forget Phys Ed from all of the dancing and  Computer studies too!!! hahaha

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