Kid friendly fun canvas project ideas

Li’lManD and I have always loved having fun with canvas and acrylics, he has been painting on canvas since he was about 1 and still loves it.  Give that kid a bucket full of paints and some brushes and look out.  Every now and then * pre Covid we would have some of his buddies over for a crafty session and it’s always fun to see what they come up with.

These projects are great for any age … from about 1 year old and up… so if you have kids, or grandkids and need some kid friendly creative activities for them during Covid. These are cool inexpensive  and fun  and make wonderful memories to hang on the wall, or give as grandparent gifts etc.

Egg Bomb Probably my favorite of all of these canvas projects/technique is this one.. the Egg Bomb Easter  2018 event. We skipped the usual Easter egg hunt and chocolate bunnies in favor of some paint filled eggs, canvas and  an old shower curtain liner. I had filled the eggs up with a color palette to match my bedroom and Li’lManD made me a 3 panel canvas set for my wall.  I absolutely LOVE this canvas set and I can’t wait to do this again.

Color shift stenciling and some really crazy cool playdoh sunflowers finished up this egg bomb project… LOVE THIS !!!

Ink, stencils and some stick ons.. this is a really fun easy project for the kids… Li’l Man D stencilled up a bunch of  canvas panels with steampunk inspired backgrounds for me so I could make some simple panels with my KennyK Steampunk images.

Spackle Li’lManD  was a bit little at the time of his first “Mixed Media” canvas  so I made this with spackle and a fun Sunflower stencil.  I just pressed the spackle through the stencil and left it to dry.. he painted it as a gift for his dad.  I believe his dad still has it hanging on the wall.  I won’t lie, handing over this one was tough… he probably wouldn’t have even taken it if I hadn’t of offered.  But such is life and I have the artist, which is way more important and we can always make more projects.

You are never too young to get stuck in with canvas and acrylics… kids wash, clothes wash…and if you don’t have a wood floor like mine that washes easily… a cheap shower curtain liner will do the trick.

We love making these kind of canvas art pieces.  I think this one was around 2 years old… very simple, just attach your message using stick on vinyl lettering.. paint over it and remove the letters once the paint dries.  This one has a very special place in my heart… Li’lManD used to have the nickname  “Li’l Attitudey baby” when he was little… he has mommas feisty spirit haha.  This was his first  painting of this type and I love it.

Paint pour ..or as we call it.. “The electric fish”   We had a few fun sessions experimenting with paint pouring, and this was one of our favorites.  Li’lMan D ended up with this  crazy A$$ looking electrified fish…

I recently discovered some really cool Oil based permanent markers and I had a few spare canvas’s to doodle on. These are fun for kids who love to color ..I just used my alcohol markers on these  and Li’lManD colored his fish with Crayolas which are a water based markers and an H2o brush.  I can’t draw to save my life but these are fun canvas panels for kids.

I ran across these 2ft round canvas panels a few years ago and they sat for about a year or so, because I wasn’t sure what exactly I wanted to do with them.  And then It hit me… we ended up doing a mixed media piece ..again with our beloved playdoh. We painted the white playdoh with glow in the dark paint then added some  dry brush paint to bring out the texture of the moon.  This looks so cool on the wall at night.

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