Tag: letter

My love life is a tragedy !!! …. Shakespeare, Wipz Style

My humorous  take on a classic  Shakespeare tragedy.  I hope you like it  and it inspires you to try something… read more My love life is a tragedy !!! …. Shakespeare, Wipz Style

You can’t read your fortune at the bottom of a K Cup

My March  DT Project for  Mirtillamente had a theme of Luck or “Fortune”… so here it is.  Anyone who knows… read more You can’t read your fortune at the bottom of a K Cup

Kid friendly fun canvas project ideas

Li’lManD and I have always loved having fun with canvas and acrylics, he has been painting on canvas since he… read more Kid friendly fun canvas project ideas

Steampunk Canvas Panel – Mirtillamente Creative Team Project January 2021

This is my January 2021 Project with the Mirtillamente Creative Team featuring Mirtillamente digital papers VINTAGE PAPER  and Mirtillamente digital… read more Steampunk Canvas Panel – Mirtillamente Creative Team Project January 2021