Tag: love

My love life is a tragedy !!! …. Shakespeare, Wipz Style

My humorous  take on a classic  Shakespeare tragedy.  I hope you like it  and it inspires you to try something… read more My love life is a tragedy !!! …. Shakespeare, Wipz Style

How your Valentine’s is shaping up… according to Metro PCS haha

Anyone who knows me well knows I love and HATE MetroPCS’s Horoscopes.. they are always disgustingly accurate…  so for all… read more How your Valentine’s is shaping up… according to Metro PCS haha

Valentine’s project cancelled * sigh

So I was up till almost 3 am working on Valentine’s projects for my kid and his class thing… not… read more Valentine’s project cancelled * sigh

Screw you cupid – Valentine’s project for the recently single lol

Not all of us can be angel wings and fairy dust, flowers and chocolates kinda girls. At some point in… read more Screw you cupid – Valentine’s project for the recently single lol

Covid Friendly School Valentine Event ideas

Those of you who live in the US and have small kids will be well used to the Valentine’s Day… read more Covid Friendly School Valentine Event ideas