Valentine’s project cancelled * sigh

So I was up till almost 3 am working on Valentine’s projects for my kid and his class thing… not that there are that many of them back in school.. less than half.  So we get his box done and it looks pretty cool for a USPS flat rate box  haha.  And then he went to bed and I worked on finishing up his cards and gifts etc.

Only to be woken at 5.30 am to be told school is closed due to the weather.. * sigh   so no Valentines ..or a late Valentine’s this year.

On the bright side we now have a 5 day weekend to stay home and craft and be lazy… because it is too cold to go anywhere now anyway haha.

So for what it’s worth here is Li’l Man D’s Valentine box and a peek at the Valentine cards and tags we had planned to hand out with the Covid friendly gifts lol

I am still not used to this whole Valentine’s thing US style… but heh.. I try.  For me it’s about the love, attraction, emotions, connection etc. between a man and a woman.. but as I get more and more disenchanted with the whole “happily ever after” idea .. what the hell…. let’s just love everyone haha.

The card box is just a flat rate box covered in black paper with holographic stickers from the local  dollar store, some additional stars form my stash and some alphabet vinyl letters ..also from my stash. A closure was made from a wooden circle colored like the moon and stamped and it was attached with a brad so it can slide open and closed.

The cards and tags  feature two cute images from Bugaboo Stamps and are colored digitally and printed,  the cards have added Gelly Roll Glaze and some glitter, inked edges and mounted on 5×5 square cards.. the tags were just inked on the edges and will be laminated to go on the gift bags as tags/ bookmarks.

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