Haha live streaming video was never this much fun

Li’l man D has been wanting to have a video channel on Youtube etc. for years, and now he may finally get his wish.  Not Live… this kid is as bad as I am for no filter…  that and protecting our privacy was always my main concern.  But we found something really cool which I think will keep us both happy.

I found this really cool anime filter that works on live streams… OMG it is so much fun haha.

Now this is great for protecting his privacy… not so great for  doing tutorials, craft hauls, or product review videos..  BUT .. never fear, there is always a solution lol.

And booyah.. there it is.. split screen lol.

Yup.. we are now set up for split screen, privacy protected crazy, live streams ….with a second cam for regular video of projects, products etc.  Now we just have to decide on a first project.  This is as much, if not more about teaching my son the technology side of crafting, graphics, video editing and computers as anything else… so it will be a learning curve and I am sure there will be a few hiccups along the way.

Now those of you that already know my son and I, well nothing will surprise you.  Those of you who don’t …. be warned, we don’t do professional style videos…. what you get is raw us.  This is how we are on and off cam…. it’s just like being right here in our craft space with us. There will be no fancy editing…altho I may have to do the occasional BLEEPER  if one of us says something we shouldn’t …

<<< points at Li’l Man D who has even less filter than I do, and that isn’t easy.

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