Thrifting Mission Complete 01-04-2021

We have some great thrift stores locally and we try to hit them up looking for fun new pieces to upcycle and use on projects. Li’l Man D has turned into a thrifting monster after  a summer of thrifting with one of my besties.  Today we were on a mission, strictly looking for project pieces and blog items.

The mission began as one to find some Cannisters to decorate for an upcoming project… it began with….Donuts!  We can’t head down that way without a trip to the best Donut store EVER!

So Donuts and Kaloches suitably demolished, then I had to go get my nails fixed.. and then we were off and running.  We hit a dollar store first.. no bueno.. but it was right next to some recruiting offices for the Navy, Marines, Airforce, Rangers and Army .. so at least I got to window shop.. I didn’t even try and pick one up to examine it ..I swear  haha.

So onto the first thrift store, and of course we arrived a couple of days after a major sales event and.. nada.. not a single set of cannisters, or matching containers.. BUT…. I did have a fun video chat as we shopped and found a cool box that holds photo albums  and a glass bottle thingy.  I am sure at some point in the near future those will end up on here as upcycle projects.  I just saw these two pieces and knew there was a future project in here.


Maybe we will do a live video one day as we check out the thrift stores…hmm




Onward !!  …. we wandered down the block and hit the next thrift store ..and BOOYAH!! I found exactly what I had been looking for….and a few bits I wasn’t lol.  I found this Oggi Cannister set which usually retails for about $40.. pristine condition, spoons included for $17.  These were even better than what I had originally envisioned being able to pick up.  Love the handle detail and spoon feature…and I won’t need to paint them now.. win!



This Bottle caught my attention, I love unusual glassware so this one I had to grab. I know this one will definitely be getting a makeover sometime soon. Thrift stores have been raising their prices of late, but $3 was totally worth it.



Now I really don’t know exactly what this was… but as soon as I saw it, I had to grab it… for under $3. I love this strange looking rack and I know it’s a definite project piece.  I often grab pieces just because I know, at some point inspiration will hit…and this is definitely going to be one of those pieces.



This next batch was definitely one of those.. “gotta get it” items, because I know I will never find this deal again. These are Clear Scraps Album kits… I have never seen them before, but they are definitely right up our alley and I know I will use these at some point.  What really clinched the deal was the pricing.  These kits had retail stickers of between $14.99 and $19.99  still on them.. and they were marked up at .. NINETY NINE cents.  I grabbed almost all of them, I think I left one pack of some design I knew I would never use. All told these cost me just under $11….with a retail value of almost $170.  Even if I could find these later elsewhere ..I could never find them at  99 cents lol.


……and my last little find was just a decorative piece…It caught my eye and reminded me of the big 12×12 stencil I have.. I thought it would make a fun addition to project photos featuring that stencil…


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